Contact Us

For dividend & consumer enquiries

Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm (excluding public holidays).

This is the ONLY phone number where dividend queries can be answered. Our admin office and election office do not hold dividend information and cannot answer any dividend queries.

Some of your dividend questions might be already answered in our FAQs page.

Or you can email us. Please choose one of these email addresses:

To return your dividend form for payment:

For all other dividend queries:

  • * Mandatory fields

Postal address

Send dividend enquiries and forms to:

Private Bag 92088
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142

No stamp required.

Office enquiries

For general, non-dividend related enquires please call or email as below.

Please note: the Entrust office does not have access to dividend details of individual beneficiaries and is unable to assist with dividend queries. Please direct any dividend queries to 0800 436 878 or

PO Box 109626
Auckland 1149